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Third Timer


虽然大多数新加坡成人都知道他们可以在一生中两次直接从建屋发展局(HDB)购买预购组屋(两次获利),但有些人可能不知道他们在接近晚年期间还可以第三次申请购买预购组屋。 首先,在什么情况下您被归类为第一次或第二次购屋者呢? 本质上,如果您购买过 HDB 的某种补贴住房,例如预购组屋 (BTO)...

Applying For HDB BTO as a Third Timer

中文版 While most adult Singaporeans are well aware that they can purchase a new flat directly from the Housing Development Board (HDB) directly two times during their lifetime (a second bite at the cherry), some may not be aware that they can yet apply for another new flat for a third time in their senior years. To start with, under what situation are you considered a first timer or second timer?...

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