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URA Transactions Data – Notes

Below notes from URA should be read in conjunction with the following analytics reports relating to URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions data set:

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Non-Landed)
URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Landed)
URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Good Class Bungalows – GCB)
URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Bulk/En Bloc)

  1. “Area (sqft)” For landed housing, the area pertaining to the transacted property refers to land area.
    For apartments, condominiums and strata landed housing (i.e. cluster housing/townhouses), the area pertaining to the transacted property refers to strata area. To convert Sqft to Sqm, divide by a factor 10.764.
  2. “Type of Area”. The column indicates whether the area pertaining to the transacted property, and hence used in the computation of the unit transacted price (in $ psf), refers to land area or strata area.
    For landed housing, the type of area is listed as “Land” as the land area is provided in the caveat lodged and hence used for the computation of the unit transacted price (in $psf).
    For apartments, condominiums and strata landed housing (i.e. cluster housing/townhouses), the type of area is listed as “Strata” as the strata area is provided in the caveat lodged and hence used for the computation of the unit transacted price (in $psf).
  3. “PSF ($)” For landed housing, the unit transacted price (in $ psf) is computed based on land area.
    For apartments, condominiums and strata landed housing (i.e. cluster housing/townhouses), the unit transacted price (in $ psf) is computed based on strata area.
    To convert $ psf to $ psm, multiply by a factor 10.764.
  4. “MonthYear” New sale transactions starting from 25 May 2015 onwards are based on options issued by developers. Hence, “Date of Sale” refers to “Date of Option Issued”.
    For resale and subsale transactions and new sale transactions prior to 25 May 2015, “Date of Sale” refers to “Date of Option Exercised/Sales Agreement Signed” as indicated in the caveats lodged.
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URA Prices of Private Residential Units Sold By Developers (Balance Units)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Non-Landed)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Landed)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Bulk/En Bloc)

HDB Resale Flat Transactions

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