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13 Million Dollar HDB Transactions in May 2021

Shown below are the top HDB resale transactions in terms of resale price for the month of May 2021. There is a total of 13 HDB resale transactions exceeding more than $1,000,000 in price.

Topping the list is a 5-ROOM unit located at Holland Drive priced at $1,210,000.

The full list of all HDB resale transactions in the month of May 2021 is presented below.

To sort and filter the data further and to see additional information like Storey RangeRemaining Lease,  Lease Start and Floor Area for each transaction, please see our HDB Resale Flat Transactions  analytics report here:

HDB Million Dollar Resale Transactions

HDB Resale Flat Transactions

HDB Resale Flat Transactions (Mobile Friendly)

IDTownStreet NameBlockResale PriceMonthFloor Area (Sqm)Flat Type
97259BISHANBISHAN ST 24275A$1,020,0002021-051205 ROOM
97260BISHANBISHAN ST 24275A$1,128,8882021-051205 ROOM
97257BISHANBISHAN ST 24273B$1,140,0002021-051205 ROOM
97378BUKIT MERAHBOON TIONG RD9A$1,168,0002021-051125 ROOM
97468BUKIT TIMAHTOH YI DR6$1,060,0002021-05146EXECUTIVE
97475CENTRAL AREACANTONMENT RD1F$1,025,0002021-05954 ROOM
97474CENTRAL AREACANTONMENT RD1B$1,060,0002021-05964 ROOM
97480CENTRAL AREACANTONMENT RD1C$1,078,0002021-05934 ROOM
97485CENTRAL AREACANTONMENT RD1F$1,088,0002021-051075 ROOM
97486CENTRAL AREACANTONMENT RD1G$1,165,0002021-051055 ROOM
98322QUEENSTOWNGHIM MOH LINK28$1,005,0002021-051135 ROOM
98325QUEENSTOWNHOLLAND DR18C$1,210,0002021-051175 ROOM
98763TOA PAYOHLOR 1A TOA PAYOH138C$1,132,5002021-051145 ROOM
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