We help clients by bringing clarity and rationality to property transactions using Property Data Analytics.

Property Data Analytics

Data Visualisation For Insights Into the Singapore Property Market

Property Data Analytics uses the latest in data visualisation technology to provide Singapore property buyers, sellers, real estate agents and related professionals as well as real estate market analysts, with deep analysis and insights into the property market and sub-markets in Singapore. Currently, analytics reports on real estate transactions and the supply/demand situation are currently publicly available for the private residential property market (new launch and resale). For public housing, an analytics report on HDB resale transactions is available.

Data for these reports are sourced from the respective government agencies – Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) for private residential properties and Housing & Development Board (HDB) for public housing.

Free Access

Property Data Analytics is free for public use (for the foreseeable future) and aims to level the playing field between professionals with access to the full suite of analytics tools in the market and retail investors, buyers and sellers, and individual real estate professionals who may not have ready access to such tools.

Using Government Provided Datasets

Our goal is to provide high quality, user friendly, accurate and timely analytical reports for data sets pertaining to the various sub markets in the Singapore property market, using only raw data sources from official, government sources.

Easy to Use

Our analytical reports are all built with the following in mind:

  • interactivity (user has the flexibility to filter down to the data points they need)
  • value add (reports add value to the property market research process)
  • simplicity (we aim to make it so easy no training is needed)

Use It to Get an Edge in the Market!

The following reports are currently ready for free access:

Property Data Analytics Reports

Category Name Description
HDB HDB Rental Transactions based on HDB's Market Rental Rates eService
HDB HDB Rental Transactions (Mobile) based on HDB's Market Rental Rates eService
HDB HDB Resale Flat Transactions based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB HDB Resale Flat Transactions (Mobile Friendly) based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB HDB 政府组屋出租交易 based on HDB's Market Rental Rates eService
HDB HDB 政府组屋出租交易(移动) based on HDB's Market Rental Rates eService
HDB HDB 政府组屋转售交易 based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB HDB 政府组屋转售交易(移动) based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB HDB Million Dollar Resale Tracker based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB HDB Price Trends based on HDB’s Resale Prices eService
HDB All HDB Blocks – Map-Based Analysis based on HDB master list of all HDB buildings
URA URA Rental Transactions based on URA’s Rental Contracts of Private Residential Properties e-Service
URA URA Rental Transactions (Mobile) based on URA’s Rental Contracts of Private Residential Properties e-Service
URA URA Condo & EC Transactions based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA Condo & EC Transactions (Mobile Friendly) based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA 私人公寓出租交易 based on URA’s Rental Contracts of Private Residential Properties e-Service
URA 私人公寓出租交易(移动) based on URA’s Rental Contracts of Private Residential Properties e-Service
URA 私人公寓转售交易 based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA 私人公寓转售交易(移动) based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA Landed Rental Transactions based on URA’s Rental Contracts of Private Residential Properties e-Service
URA URA Landed Property Transactions based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA Landed Property Transactions (Mobile Friendly) based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA GCB Transactions based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA Bulk/En Bloc Transactions based on URA’s Private Residential Property Transactions e-Service
URA URA Developer Sales Data (Balance Units) based on URA’s Prices of Private Residential Units Sold By Developers
URA URA Developer Sales Data (Units Launched and Sold) based on URA’s Prices of Private Residential Units Sold By Developers
JTC JTC Industrial Property Transactions based on Caveats Lodged for Industrial Properties from Singapore Land Authority (SLA)

Additional Reports

If you have a very specific analytics reporting requirement pertaining to the real estate market in Singapore that is not met by the above reports, please feel free to get in touch with us for a discussion to see how we can help.

Analytics Reports Previews

Below are preview screenshot images of the property data analytics reports available.

Please note that the reports are best experienced on a PC or notebook instead of mobile devices due to the large amount of screen space required to display the various data visualisation artifacts like charts and tables.

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URA Prices of Private Residential Units Sold By Developers (Balance Units)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Non-Landed)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Landed)

URA Private Residential Property Transactions (Bulk/En Bloc)

HDB Resale Flat Transactions

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