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查寻宏茂桥-碧山 HDB 组屋转售交易

  • 本分析报告的数据在周一至周五每天更新一次,以纳入在宏茂桥新的组屋转售交易。
  • 此分析报告最好在宽屏显示器上查看。所有视觉效果都是交互式的,因此您可以点击以突出显示和过滤。
  • 数据复盖了 2015 年 1 月以来在宏茂桥的 HDB 组屋转售交易。
  • 本报告的数据来自新加披建屋发展局 (HDB)。

Notes from HDB about this dataset:

Resale transacted prices. Prior to March 2012, data is based on date of approval for the resale transactions.
For March 2012 onwards, the data is based on date of registration for the resale transactions.

  1. The approximate floor area includes any recess area purchased, space adding item under HDB’s upgrading programmes, roof terrace, etc.
  2. The transactions exclude resale transactions that may not reflect the full market price such as resale between relatives and resale of part shares.
  3. Resale prices should be taken as indicative only as the resale prices agreed between buyers and sellers are dependent on many factors.
  4. Remaining lease is the number of years, months and days left before the lease expires. The information is computed as at the resale flat application and has been rounded up to the nearest month for the purpose of CPF monies usage and HDB loan application.
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